River Dee, Fredagen 11e April, LIVEBLOGG

18:00 Idag har det varit fullständigt dött vid älven. Ingen av oss har varken kännt eller sett någonting.. Maza och jag lade handskarna på hyllan för en bra stund sedan och gottar oss med några G&T i huset. De andra kämpar på med eveningcast. Återkommer med rapport från dem när dom är tillbaka. Detta är laxfiske i ett nötskal. Dock väldigt oroande att de nedre beatsen knappt fångat nån fisk överhuvudtaget i år.. Det är i princip bara Ballogie och Carlogie som fiskar riktigt bra. I övrigt fångas det bara ”the odd fish” lite då och då. Oroväckande att det tidiga fisket inte varit bättre i älven trots fina förutsättningar i år..

21:00 Övriga kom tillbaka och kunde rapportera att kvällsfisket var lika dött som på dagen.. I brist på bilder och annat lägger jag ut en filmsnutt där jag släpper tillbaka mini-springern från i tisdags.

Lagfoto av Jenny Sinclair

2 svar på ”River Dee, Fredagen 11e April, LIVEBLOGG”

  1. It is always disappointing when there are not loads of fish about and for many it has been the case this year. So why is it that one Estate are having a bonanza, even though the seasons catch is around the five year average?

    In the hills it has been a very different winter to the lower ground. Masses of snow has fallen and so cold water has flowed down in milder conditions. It may have met the warmer water around Kincardine O’Neil, so this is where fish have stopped running. So Ballogie beats have prospered while most beats below have picked but a few passing fish. Their catches have been extraordinary but are they questionable? Some believe they are.

    I am pleased however that some of the Estates ( I think particularly of Sluie) that supported the Middle Dee Project (MDP) are beneficiaries this year. Though Ballogie sadly banished a counter on the Cattie Burn, they contributed royally in the early years. None of the lower beats gave the MDP any support.

    What is the future? With the estuary being dominated by seals and dolphin, and some upper tributaries being blighted by ridiculous fish traps, we could be in trouble. Why? Crazy legislation and “think they know it all” quangos, that nobody is challenging properly, and our Board is as much to blame as anyone else.In the case of the Dee, they are entirely to blame.

    There is however good news! The Dee is a wonderful river to fish right through the season. The customer care is fantastic and lodges, huts and banks are for ever being better and better cared for. Our Ghillies are magnificent and lodge staff unendingly caring.

    In conclusion, just come to the Dee and enjoy it. And if you go to, for instance to Upper Blackhall, you will get totally looked after in a splendid lodge just refurbished and a stretch of the river unmatched for beauty. You will also catch fish!

    The fish want to come back, the river management might pick themselves up and the politicians may see sense. Common sense has to be applied – Please!

    1. I agree with you Simon. And we are more then happy with the lodge, the ghillie, the staff and the beautiful piece of river. Salmon fishing is tough most of the times in any river or beat in the world. Thats how it is. Catching fish is a bonus to everything else around the fishing :-).

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